Thursday, October 4, 2012

How Do I Know What I Know?

Sitting here, I struggle to find something to write about. Trying to find out how I know what I know, I found out that I don't actually know anything. Do I know if there is an afterlife? I don't know. Do I know there is not an after life? I don't know. Every time I seem to find something solid, it is convincingly challenged, and I find out again that I still don't know. When I was young, I thought that being a nice was a valued thing for girls when going into a relationship. I learned this from my movies and my parents. Movies told me that the nice guy always wins the girl. My parents encouraged that thought also. After some experience, I realized  that being nice was far from a girl's priorities. If you're nice, you get whipped, used, and friend zoned. You kind of have to be a jerk to get a girl to be attracted you. Then, again, is the girl worth it if she is only into jerks? Is it worth going through the whipping, getting used, and friend zoning for a girl who sees the good qualities you exhibit? I have no idea. It all comes with discernment. I don't think there's one way you can treat everything. Yeah, why not? Be an asshole sometimes. Be a nice guy the others. That's my answer. My "half-knowledges" come from the testings of what people have taught me through my own experience.


  1. I think you're the only person who used relationships as an example of showing how much of the world you don't know. Would you apply this also to non romantic relationships, such as those with strangers, acquaintances, and relatives?
    For example, can you be an "asshole" to your boss one day, then kiss up to him the next?

    Which do you apply more to life: having constant and stable emotions or heightened highs and depressing lows?

    1. Justyna, I don't think you understood my post. So let me elaborate... I specifically chose a way to treat a person and stuck with it (was somewhat consistent in what I chose). It's not a fluctuation of nice and bad treatment to one person.

      Also, I don't know how you got emotions into this. That kind of threw me off.

  2. Only using your own experience creates bias and a narrow range of information that goes in. Taking in other peoples experience does that add to your own or is it dismissed because it isn't your own experience?

    1. Well, Andrew, that all comes with discernment also. Like the old woman and Cacambo, do we know what experiences to trust? I take what I trust and reject others(But don't misinterpret that as only seeing what I want to see).

  3. You bring up a good point about the source of your knowledge and whether or not to trust it. Media does play a big role in swaying our realities and I think it is really good that you look into that when you examine what you know.

  4. Hahaha "half-knowledges". I do like that, and yes, I do agree that you cannot know anything external for sure, because you have no control over it. But i would argue that you CAN know something for sure, and it is yourself, and only yourself.
