Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living? And Who is the Modern Gadfly?

The unexamined life is the life that chooses to be without struggle. Why does this seem like such a bad thing? If something seems absolute, why question it? Why give up that stability? Could absolute truth even exist in our reality?

I believe that absolute truths exist in our world. Finding those truths is extremely, unbelievably difficult. I think it's near impossible to find even one absolute truth. 99.9999999999% of us will, in my opinion, never get there. I do think that most of us can get close, and that's what we should all strive for. If absolute truth is out there, we must try to get there as close as we possibly can. To live the unexamined life is to give up on these truths. IT IS OUT THERE. To ignore it, you might as well be dead. I would like to think that we made a deal when we were given the gift to experience life. You can't have life without struggle or death. If you're not struggling with something, you're dead. Vice-Versa.

This ties in with perfectly with Gadflies. Some people think they have found their absolute truths. How can that be? In response to that notion, the Gadfly pokes holes in their "absolute" truths. Many people hate that their boat is being rocked and, in some cases, sunk. Who does this today?

Jon Stewart is the perfect example of the Modern Gadfly. On the famous his famous interview with Bill O'Reilly, O'Reilly tries to show a point that it is ridiculous that Common, the rapper, is even at an event in the White House. O'Reilly asserts this by saying that Common supports cop killers.  He says a guy like that should not even be invited out of all the candidates that could be chosen. Jon Stewart responds by first saying that he does not think, if he was Common, that he would support them for killing cops but, instead, support them because he thinks they are innocent. Then, Jon Stewart has the perception of a hawk. He starts to list people that should not be in the White House according to Bill's logic.Jon uses Leonard Peltier as an example to Bill, and Bill brushes it off as nothing. Jon, then, calls him on his bull and says it is the exact same thing. Jon lists Bono, Bob Dylan, and Springsteen (All have been to the White House). They were all people who showed some support of convicted criminals and murderers. Bill O'Reilly tries to say it is different because their songs did not directly say that they were innocent. Jon, again, calls him on his bull because it is the exact same thing. Then, Jon does the greatest burn in the world. He calls out the Fox network by saying that they are a selective outrage machine. If they are going to call out Common, they must also be outraged by all these other artists. Why do they call out Common? Is it because he's black? Is it because he raps? Well, that's left to the viewers to think. Yep, Jon is definitely a Modern Gadfly.


  1. I agree that Jon Stewart is a great example of a modern gadfly. Every day on his show he points out things that politicians say (or in other areas) that are hypocritical, or just don't make sense. He may create controversy but hopefully good things come out of it.
