Thursday, November 8, 2012

Voltaire and Camus's vote goes to...

Even though Voltaire is not discriminate in his satire of the world, he would probably dislike Mitt Romney based on Candide. Voltaire satirizes religion and the aristocracy (wealth). He definitely would not vote Romney if he wrote a sizable portion of the book satirizing those two things. See, Mitt holds a view that we should have government cut off help to  people who haven't "earned" it. His argument is that we do not need to do that because America is the land of opportunity, and anyone can build up something if they work for it. Voltaire would satirize Romney because I'm pretty sure the Mormon religion calls for selfless giving which is the opposite of what he wants to do with the government. Obama would be an easier choice for Voltaire. Sure, there are some things Voltaire would disagree with, but he would be better than Romney. But maybe, Voltaire will stop thinking of which candidate to choose but actually implement the things he agrees with, in each Candidate, to the best of his abilities.

For Camus, he would definitely vote for Gary Johnson. To be honest, he would probably think, "I don't like either of the two major candidates. Should I vote still? YES, I WILL! Yeah, I like Ron Paul, but he's not running so I'll vote for Gary Johnson. Hm, my vote is meaningless, but I still will vote to revolt in this two party system." Yeah, that's exactly how it will go.

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