Thursday, October 11, 2012

Candide's Punishment fit his crimes?

I will argue that Candide's punishment did fit his crimes. If someone is living under my roof and feeding off of my wealth, his defilement of my daughter is an insult to my hospitality. It is a very reasonable punishment. Does it actually matter if Candide and Cunegonde were ignorant to what they were doing? No, it does not! Does it lessen the evil, of an act, if a man kills twenty people because he thought he was freeing them from a life of misery? I don't think the judge or jury would think so. Would a person's, who thinks that the punishment is not fitting, opinion change if Candide had intercourse with Cunegone? It should not. From a small kiss to intercourse, they both take advantage of the baron.
The real question is, "Do we consider all evil the same? Or are they at different magnitudes?" I think all evil is the same. Why should we discriminate in our punishment if the perpetrator is of different age, race, condition, gender, etc.? Stealing is stealing is stealing is stealing. I don't even know why I'm arguing this. I don't believe in this. I'm writing because of word count. Everyone is writing about how the punishment is not fitting so I decided to be devil's advocate. I can already see the flaws in this. "How about if they were stealing bread to feed starving families?" Bla bla bla: Life has hard choices.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How Do I Know What I Know?

Sitting here, I struggle to find something to write about. Trying to find out how I know what I know, I found out that I don't actually know anything. Do I know if there is an afterlife? I don't know. Do I know there is not an after life? I don't know. Every time I seem to find something solid, it is convincingly challenged, and I find out again that I still don't know. When I was young, I thought that being a nice was a valued thing for girls when going into a relationship. I learned this from my movies and my parents. Movies told me that the nice guy always wins the girl. My parents encouraged that thought also. After some experience, I realized  that being nice was far from a girl's priorities. If you're nice, you get whipped, used, and friend zoned. You kind of have to be a jerk to get a girl to be attracted you. Then, again, is the girl worth it if she is only into jerks? Is it worth going through the whipping, getting used, and friend zoning for a girl who sees the good qualities you exhibit? I have no idea. It all comes with discernment. I don't think there's one way you can treat everything. Yeah, why not? Be an asshole sometimes. Be a nice guy the others. That's my answer. My "half-knowledges" come from the testings of what people have taught me through my own experience.